Hello Class!
Here is a summary of recent class activity, and a preview of the coming weeks!
On Sunday, December 7 we began a rich conversation about baptism, with a view through John's "lense".
John's Gospel, at the outset, makes a particular point of distinguishing between John the Baptist's ministry and Jesus'. This may be because there remained confusion about John's identity and mission. We read several passages that highlighted this issue:
Beginning with John 1:22-34, we saw that John describes the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus in the form of a dove, and remaining there . . . but there is no mention that John the Baptist performed Jesus' baptism. In the synoptic Gospels, by contrast, Jesus receives water baptism from John. It is likely that, by not depicting Jesus being baptized by his cousin, a clear distinction between them is established, and Jesus' preeminence made clear.
In Acts 19:1-7 we read of an encounter with "disciples" who had only been baptized in John's baptism, not Jesus', which is interpreted, in line with John's Gospel, as a 'baptism in the Holy Spirit". After these followers of Jesus learned of this, they received this baptism through the laying on of hands. This supports the idea that, among some early Christians, there needed to be a clear distinction made between the ministry of John (a baptism in water to express repentance) and the ministry of Jesus (a baptism in the Holy Spirit for the purpose of empowerment).
John 16:4ff and 20:19-23 describe the work of the Holy Spirit -- the effect for believers of the "baptism in the Holy Spirit". These effects include comfort, advocacy, a leading into the fuller truth about Christ, peace, and the awesome responsibility to forgive sins.
This week, December 14:
Please review the passages listed above. We will divide into small groups to discuss these portions of Scripture.
On December 21 we will have an activity to summarize what we have studied this fall.
No class on December 28!
On January 4 we will resume our study of the Gospel of John with the story of the wedding at Cana (chapter 2).
As usual, these notes are posted for you and others at www.stpaulpastor.blogspot.com.
God bless & we hope to see you Sunday!
Dan and Laura