Hi Class!
After a couple of weeks of chasing, finally a little caught up, so here is a summary of what we've been discussing the last few weeks.
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We are on an accelerated read-through of the Book of Acts, follow the missionary journeys of Paul, Silas and Timothy. In a few chapters, a number of years have passed, and congregations and groups of Christians are now established in such cities as Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, and the region of Macedonia. Paul, either alone or with companions, has preached in Synagogues throughout Asia, most recently Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, and Corinth. In each place the Gospel has touched the hearts of Jews and Gentiles, men and women and their households -- both to inspire faith and belief and to provoke anger and violence. Paul is about to move on Ephesus and beyond, then back to Jerusalem, and will set his soon toward Rome.
In this mix of receptivity and hostility, following trade routes and taking advantage of the political stability of the Roman Empire and his own Roman citizenship, Paul tirelessly preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ, receiving timely support and surviving many malicious and murderous attacks.
We will continue our read through this Sunday, with Acts chapter 19, Luke's record of Paul's arrival and ministry in Ephesus.
Hope you are having a blessed Lent, and also hope very much to see you in class this Sunday.
Dan and Laura