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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Class Notes from September 23

As we've studied two creation stories in Genesis chapters 1 and 2, we identified several common themes: God created cosmos (order) out of chaos, implying the universe has both design and meaning; human beings are created by God and given the responsibility of "tending" the earth; God has imposed limits on human life: God is God, and we are not!

Some obvious differences between the two stories are: order of created things -- for instance, in the first story people are created last, and in the second, people are created prior to the making of the garden; setting -- the first is global, the second is specific to what we now know as the Fertile Crescent; time reference -- the first stages creation in six days, with a seventh for rest, implying the Sabbath is a necessary component of God's order of life for people, while the second does not refer to this. Also, a little observation will note that God is referred to differently in each story -- in the first, "God", in the second, "The Lord God", or Yahweh and Elohim, respectively, indicating different ancient sources and conceptions of God.

We spent some time in small discussion groups with three questions about creation story 1: What does the story tell you about God? What does the story tell you about you? What does the story tell you about your relationship with God? Some input from the groups included the observation that we can know God even though we cannot fully understand God; and that God is "Sovereign", a great word and a concept worth further contemplation.

Next week's assignment is to read on through Genesis, chapter 3. We will take on the rest of creation story 2, which leads us to ponder the question of sin. Again, if we can read this in two separate versions that will be a plus. Harrell will lead our discussion this Sunday, September 30.

Thanks for your participation, whether you are with us in person or checking in on line!

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