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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Woman at the Well

Hi everyone!

We hope you've had a fine, God-blessed week.

Thanks very much to Greg Peters for leading class two weeks past, in part one of discussion of the story about Jesus meeting the woman at the well in John chapter 4:1-42.

We wrapped up our sharing on that passage last week . . . lots of reflections about our personal willingness to step out of our comfort zones to be with people who may appear unacceptable in some way, as Jesus did in leading the disciples straight through the heart of Samaria. How to sum it up? Well, something at the core is that Jesus was all about relationships, not outward appearances or style. It holds true as a challenge in relating to people, and in relating to God, who desires us to be "true" worshippers, worshipping in "Spirit and in truth". In human encounters, we can share our own truth effectively only if we really care about the other person and have a real relationship with them, as Jesus established with the woman at the well. In our relationship with God, our place and style of worship are what is on the outside; it's what's happening as we relate to God in worship that is of importance.

For this week, remember we are finishing chapter 4 and moving into the first part of chapter 5, two stories of healings. Please read John 4:43-54, Jesus' healing of a roman official's son, and John 5:1-15, the healing of a disabled person at the Pool of Bethesda.

We hope to see you Sunday!

God bless

Dan and Laura

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