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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Acts: Deacons

Hi Class!

Thanks for another very interesting discussion last Sunday. Whether we call it serendipity or the Holy Spirit we enjoyed a fascinating intersection last week, as United Methodist Deacon Rev. Rhoda Pittman Markus visited our class. This was in conjunction with our study of the selection, ordination, and service of the first New Testament "Deacons" in Acts, chapters 6-7.

Rhoda shared personal insights and experiences of a modern Deacon, whose call is to link the ritual life of the church with our call to service in the world. For a fulsome description of the ministry of United Methodist Deacons you may enter the following web address in your browser:

I believe, after I left for choir, that you heard a story regarding the blessedness and compliment of serving communion in her role as deacon, and mine as elder, when we served a congregation together.

For this week, please read ahead into chapter 8, accounts of the adventures of Philip, one of the early evangelists of the church who first went outside the "bubble" of what was then orthodox Judaism to share the Gospel of Christ in Samaria, and with an Egyptian on his way home from the great festival in Jerusalem.

Llew and Shirley have answered the call to be your facilitators this week. I know this will be an especially interesting session, combining the content and their leadership. Laura and I will miss you, as we will be in Boise following our talented son to his state piano competition.

Blessings to you all & see you soon!

Dan and Laura

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