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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Conversion of Saul

Hello Class!

This Sunday we will continue reading in Acts, picking up the story Peter's "conversion". We had a very interesting conversation about conversions last week, in reference to Paul's huge change of heart and behavior. One of our observations is that conversion experiences are valued in our culture, but often are more of a process of a change than an immediate transformation. Converted people also have to deal with the patterns of their past and need the support and acceptance of others, as did Paul, in order for that "conversion" to have full and lasting effect. Not surprising, then, that we see once again how important the community of faith is in helping each of us become all that God calls us to be.

Please read the second half of chapter 9 and through chapter 10 for this week's conversation.

Hope to see you there! Shirley and Llew, we'll miss you and hope you have a splendid and blessed Sunday.

Dan and Laura

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