These notes are from Sunday, March 16.
The Book of Ruth is a romance! Yet another example of the breadth of scope in Biblical literature. Ruth is set in the time of the Judges, but was likely written post-Exile, given a few interesting explanations of what would have become obscure customs in later years. The purpose of the book is clear: since Ruth is a Gentile, and becomes an ancestor of King David, the idea that "pure blooded" marriages are sacrosanct is challenged.
During class we read the whole book together. It is a wonderful story; just sit down and read it start to finish for a satisfying experience. Take to heart the lesson -- God does not see the same barriers of race and nationality between people that people create. And, since Ruth was a Gentile ancestor of King David, she is also an ancestor of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has broken down the walls of division between all peoples.
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