Open our hearts, by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may learn and apply the lessons of Holy Scripture. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Section and Book key verse: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (1:8)
Here are notes from presentation and discussion from September 20th.
Introduction to “Theophilus”, “Friend of God” (1:1-5) “Theophilus” may be an individual, or a general term for Luke’s readers, each a “friend of God.” Luke also uses this name in his introduction to his Gospel.
Promise of the Holy Spirit and teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven (1:6-8) Jesus promises that all believers will be given power (dunamis) through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The power is not to topple empires or build earthly kingdoms, as the disciples still seemed to presume when they asked Jesus if he was about to restore the “kingdom”. This “dynamic” or “dynamite-like” “power” is for a specific purpose: to “be my (Jesus’) witnesses” throughout the world.
Promise of Jesus’ return from heaven (1:9-11) The picture above illustrates a typical cosmology which may describe the way the disciples and others in the ancient world understood the location of heaven and it’s relationship to earth. Luke expresses the very common belief of the first Christians that Jesus would return in their lifetimes.
Matthias chosen apostle to replace Judas (1:12-26) What may seem like superstition or gambling was understood differently by the apostles. They believed that God’s will could be revealed in the random casting of “lots”, which is much like drawing the short straw or throwing dice. They were confident that Matthias, one of two candidates chosen because they were with Jesus from the beginning to end of his ministry, was God’s choice to be an apostle (“sent one) to replace Judas Iscariot.
For this week, September 27, please read through Acts chapter 2. See you Sunday!
Pastor Dan
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