Hi everyone!
OK, what's with the picture? These folks are a Christian rock group very popular in the 70's, now legendary in some circles, called "2nd Chapter of Acts". I saw them live with Barry McQuire and found them way cool. As you can tell one or more of them are related. The dude on the right is a dude, brother of the dudette in the middle. Don't you love the hair? One of their best known songs is/was "Easter Song". For a very young, new version of them and their cool song, cut and paste the following address into your browser: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=30789015
Thanks for a great class last Sunday. Here are some notes:
We read and discussed chapter 2 of the Book of Acts.
The first section describes the coming the Holy Spirit, with signs of the sound of a mighty wind and tongues as of fire. Older versions describe the "tongues of fire" as "cloven", which simply implies they were split, perhaps indicating active and flickering motion. The "tongues" the disciples spoke were the native languages of the Jews and Jewish converts who had made pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the festival of Shavuot, or Shavot. This festival, in the Jewish religion, commemorated the giving of the law (God's Word) by Moses, and took place 50 days after the release of the Hebrews from captivity in Egypt. The Greek name for this festival is Pentecost, 'pente' meaning 50. In Christianity this festival is observed 50 days after the resurrection of Christ and acknowledges the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, who brought the "Word" of salvation to all people.
We read and discussed Peter's first sermon. In it he summarizes the life, ministry, and meaning of Jesus, and evokes conviction from the Jewish crowd about their personal responsibility for the rejection of God's Christ, Jesus of Nazareth. Responding, many in the crowd ask Peter "What shall we do?" He bids them repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Book of Acts notes that about 3,000 people did just that.
As application, we felt that Peter gave a good sermon! And that personal repentance for our rejection of Christ needs, perhaps, to be done many times; and we ourselves can accept the promise of God, which is forgiveness in Christ and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit to tell others about Jesus Christ.
We offered prayers for personal concerns to close the meeting.
* * *
For this Sunday, please read ahead, at least through chapters 3 and 4 of the Book of Acts.
God bless y'all and hope to see you this Sunday!
-- Dan and Laura
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